Complicity's Bliss

by T S Carson
Complicity's Bliss
T S Carson
Painting - Oil On Canvas
This painting is a very symbolic painting. It expresses one of life's true lessons. It describes the soul that is, for a time, enjoying being involved in wrong doing. It may seem exiting or rewarding even, and there are endless varieties and flavors that attract us. Just like the variety of colors, shapes and patterns within this painting. But the danger lies within. There are always consequences. Ah,consequences, the built in repercussions that produce the pressures to cause one to want to change. We all have learned in this manner. It's like a child touching something hot and getting burned. The child learns not to touch what burned them or there are painful consequences. In other words one reaps what one sows. It's learning the hard way.
December 11th, 2014
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